5 cm movie indonesia
5 cm movie indonesia

5 cm movie indonesia

Her hotness can be paralleled with Arial (Denny Sumargo), whose machoness knows almost no boundaries…except for when it comes to picking up women. It’s not to dissimilar from Riani (Raline Shah), who is the dream girl of some in the film (and maybe outside of it too, if my cinematographer ever gets to watch this). He does have a wish to become famous, almost above anything else.

5 cm movie indonesia

That, I suppose, is what being an idealist does to you, and he is quite idealistic to a certain extent. Zafran (Herjunot Ali) is a bit of a poet, one who has a quotable line prepared and ready to go for almost any occasion.

5 cm movie indonesia

What’s interesting is that they each has a different characteristic, one unique enough to separate them from another. It tells the story of five friends, whose friendship has lasted the better part of a decade. There are several other themes and ideas tied to this, but it serves as an interesting basic premise to explore further. Bored, in manyrespects, of the kind and good life that they have been living up, they decided to push further their boundaries, to push their friendship to limits so as to better appreciate it. The film ‘5 cm’ is a very interesting exploration of a fairly interesting concept, perhaps one that is particularly prevalent amongst a segment of society.

5 cm movie indonesia